Bitter Foods that are Good for you

Bitter foods are extremely nutritious. They contain a wide variety of plant-based chemicals that have significant health benefits. Some of these health benefits are that they can lower the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. As per research found bitter foods can sharpen the appetite, optimize nutrient absorption, enhance digestive health, eye and liver health, improve the gut microbiome, aid in the prevention of leaky gut syndrome, and more.


Here are Bitter Foods that are Good for your Health


1. Cranberries


Cranberries are tart, bitter red berries. This can be eaten cooked, juiced, raw, or dried. Cranberries contain a type of polyphenol known as type-A proanthocyanidins. That can prevent bacteria from sticking to surfaces, such as your bodily tissues. It can be helpful for reducing bacterial tooth decay, preventing E. coli infections in your gut and urinary tract, and lowering your risk of H. pylori infections in the stomach. Cranberries are also rich in antioxidants.


2. Cacao


Chocolate is not the same as cacao. While it is a component of the final product that is absolutely bitter in its pure. The unsweetened cacao is loaded with potassium, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, and iron. It contains antioxidants and minerals, a great source of electrolytes. Cocoa powder is made from the beans of the cacao plant. It is often used in a variety of desserts. Chocolate is made from its powder.


3. Dandelion leaves

Dandelion leaves

Dandelion are not just garden weed their leaves are edible and highly nutritious. This vegetable can be eaten raw in salads included in soups and pastas or sauteed as a side dish. Dandelion leaves are rich in many vitamins and minerals such as manganese, vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, and iron.  These leaves contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect from cataracts and macular degeneration. They are a great source of oligofructose and prebiotics inulin which promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Dandelion leaves are very bitter so they should be balanced out with other flavors like garlic or lemon.


4. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables

The cruciferous family has many bitter-tasting vegetables such as kale, broccoli, arugula, brussels sprout, radishes, and cabbage. These vegetables contain compounds called glucosinolates. This compound gives them their bitter taste and also are responsible for many health benefits. The glucosinolates compound in cruciferous vegetables helps your liver enzymes process toxins more effectively. Reducing their negative impacts on your body.


5. Red Wine

Red Wine

Red wine contains two major types of polyphenols one proanthocyanidin and another tannin. This gives the wine a bitter taste and deep color. Drinking red wine gives longevity and a lower risk of diabetes and osteoporosis. It helps in reducing blood clotting and expanding blood vessels. Only moderate consumption of wine is advised because excess consumption of alcohol can lead to liver damage.


6. Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea has a naturally bitter flavor because of its catechin and polyphenol contents. It provides numerous health benefits such as better digestion, weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, and immunity. The polyphenols content act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Both compounds reduce damage from free radicals and decrease inflammation which reduces your risk of heart disease.


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